Life after death? Woman ‘meets angel’ in shock glimpse of the afterlife

In 1958, a woman who only gives her name as Evelyn, was six-years old when she had a seizure.

Some 60 years later, Evelyn has spoken out about her experience where she believes she had a glimpse into the afterlife.

After coming down with a flu when she was a child, Evelyn’s health deteriorated rapidly and she began to have seizures – with her nearly dying as a result of one fit.

The doctors were called out to her home, and this is where Evelyn had a near death experience that allowed her to speak to an angel.

Evelyn explains on NDERF – a website which collects first person accounts of near death experiences – that her ‘spirit’ rose out of her body where she could see what was going on around her.

She says: “I don’t remember what happened directly after that ... Read even more

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