UFO sighting: What is this ISLAND-SIZED object rising out of Pacific Ocean on radar?

The UFO-spotting phenomena shows no signs of slowing-down. And well-known UFO proponent Scott C Waring has this week produced yet more “proof” of alien spacecraft visiting Earth. The latest video posted to Waring’s popular ufosightingsdaily.com site purports to show an enormous UFO rising out of the Pacific Ocean.

Self-titled UFOlogist Waring frequently uploads pictures and video, which he claims support his alien conspiracy theories.

The latest offering is satellite footage said to show a triangular UFO exploring Earth’s oceans.

Waring wrote: “Imagine this … a triangle the size of a island rises out of the Pacific Ocean in front of your eyes. This is what happened to Youtuber MrMBB333 this week.

“As you see from the video below ... Read even more

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