Murdoch media mogul family reveal their control over UK government

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Revenge of the Murdochs: Nine months on from hacking scandal,
Culture Secretary faces calls to quit as News Corp releases devastating
emails revealing his secret help for BSkyB bid

– Ed Miliband calls for Jeremy Hunt to resign after damning 163 page
dossier of emails is made public
– Mr Hunt resists calls to go and asks Lord Justice Leveson to bring
forward his appearance before Inquiry so he can present his evidence
– Hunt’s adviser told him he ‘believed the UK government would be
supportive throughout the process’
– In another it is claimed Murdoch’s got an ‘absolutely illegal’ tip-off
about Parliamentary statement
– Rupert Murdoch to appear before Leveson Inquiry tomorrow


Revenge of the Murdochs (25 April 2012)


– The inquiry investigating the Murdoch family’s use of phone hacking
and control over the media and police is led by Lord Levenson.
Conspiracy theorists fear that the inquiry cannot be considered
impartial because, like the Murdochs, Levenson is also Jewish and
sympathetic to the Zionist cause.
– This scandal was on the front page of every national newspaper
today, except for The Sun which is owned by the Murdoch family and
read my more people than all of the broadsheets combined. It was the
main headline in every major TV news broadcast today, apart from Sky
News which is also owned by the Murdoch family.

“The Insider” mailing list article, 25 April 2012.

Tags: Murdoch, Zionist, media, Levenson, inquiry, , conspiracy theories.

Source The Insider

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