UFO sighting: NASA films ‘largest UFO ever recorded’ exiting Sun

NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) project is an ambitious attempt to study the internal structure and outer atmosphere of the Sun. Since it began orbiting our star, NASA’s space telescope has made numerous achievements, from understanding the Sun’s complicated gas currents hidden beneath its surface, to tracking changes in its magnetic fields. But UFO hunter Scott Waring believes the NASA solar observatory has now made its most amazing discovery to date – capturing an UFO as it exits our Sun. Waring took to his etdatabase.com UFO blog to speculate about his outlandish alien theory.

He said: “You won’t believe this. This is an angelic UFO close-up coming out of the Sun this week.

“This is a video captured by the NASA SOHO helioviewer.org. And it has captured an angelic craft coming out of the Sun during a solar explosion.”

A still of the NASA footage shows much solar debris spewing from the Sun’s right-hand side.

Then an unexpected anomaly is shown only for an instant appearing on the star’s left-hand side.

Waring proceeds to slow the NASA footage down enough to see the oddly-shaped anomaly near the top of the Sun.

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The image is also inverted into a negative format using digital manipulation ... Read even more

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