NASA Conspiracy: US space agency observatory films ‘alien’ UFO trio fire from Sun

NASA’s Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) is an audacious attempt by the US space agency to understand both the internal structure and outer atmosphere of the Sun. Since it began orbiting our star, NASA’s space telescope has since 1996 been a categoric success, from understanding the Sun’s complicated gas currents hidden beneath its surface, to discovering more than 3,000 comets. But UFO hunter Scott Waring believes the NASA Sun observatory has now uncovered its most incredible discovery to date – spying three alien UFO as they shoot out of our star.

Waring took to his blog to speculate about the seeming solar anomaly.

The UFO enthusiast begins by accusing the esteemed space agency NASA of being part of a conspiracy to cover-up the existence of extraterrestrials.

He wrote: “This video contains many UFOs shooting out of our sun and around the SOHO satellite.

“It’s amazing so many videos of UFOs exist and yet the US government won’t take any of them seriously.

“This means they are deliberately hiding the truth from the public.”

READ MORE: NASA Curiosity rover spots ‘alien base’ on Mars

The video was originally posted by Youtube user SolarBug.

Enlarged screenshots of the grainy black and white footage does show three black shapes firing out of the Sun at high speed.

Waring takes this to be evidence of oddly-shaped UFOs existing the Sun ... Read even more

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