UFO sighting: NASA satellite snaps alien spacecraft ‘bigger than Earth’ near the Sun

The NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission is the US space agency’s method for learning about the Sun’s structure and solar atmosphere. Since it began orbiting our star more than two decades ago, the NASA space telescope has made innumerable breakthroughs, from understanding the Sun’s violent solar storms to monitoring its powerful magnetic fields. However, UFO hunter Scott Waring believes NASA’s SOHO has now made its most amazing discovery yet – spotting an huge alien spacecraft flying close to the star. Waring took to his etdatabase.com UFO blog to speculate about the dubious find.

He wrote: “At first I thought the anomaly was just some sort of magma or solar material ejected from the Sun.

“But it doesn’t look like it – the object’s shape just looks too perfect for that.

“There seem to be right angles to it ... Read even more

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