Unusual line of lights seen over Baja California Sur, Mexico

First of all – sorry, no picture for this one, but I’ll bet there are pictures of it elsewhere, once identified.

So I was sitting in the hot springs yesterday morning in El Chorro, Baja California Sur (just west of Agua Caliente, which is just east of Santiago, located between La Paz and San Jose del Cabo pretty much right on the Tropic of Cancer) when I saw some incredibly unusual lights in the sky (ie, I’ve never seen anything like it).

It was a little before sunrise and I was looking south or maybe a little to the west of north. Up in the sky at maybe 30-40 degrees elevation I spotted a long line of light. I’d just seen a shooting star not long before and at first glance thought it was an amazing example. But it continued to move across the sky without diminishing for many seconds. It looked at first like a solid line of light ... Read even more

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