Google’s announced timeline for new privacy policy

By 2020-01-15Science & Tech
Image copyright Google

Google has announced a timeline for implementing new privacy standards that will limit third-party use of a digital tool known as cookies.

Cookies track users’ internet activity and allow digital publishers to target advertising.

Tech firms have faced pressure to increase privacy protections amid mounting data breaches.

But analysts say the move gives Google more control over the digital ad market where it is already a major player.

Alphabet – Google’s parent company – makes the majority of its revenue from ad sales.

To make advertising more personal web browsers collect small bits of information that allow them to create a profile of the users likes and online habits.

What are cookies?

Cookies are a digital tool that tracks an individual’s internet activity. The small piece of data is stored by web browsers like Google’s Chrome and Apple’s Safari while users surf the internet. They record information like what websites have been visited ... Read even more

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