How To Perform A Love Sweetening Ritual With Honey and Cinnamon

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Love sweetening rituals are performed to enhance and strengthen the love that exits between the couple. These rituals help to prevent misunderstanding, fights, infidelity and other issues that might arise in the relationship.

Cinnamon is a natural aphrodisiac.  Due to its indispensable seductive aroma, it has become a common element used in love moorings.  It has a very strong energy that enhances the feelings between two people.

How To Perform A Love Sweetening Ritual With Honey and Cinnamon

Items Needed:

  • Two red candles
  • A little white cloth ribbon
  • A toothpick
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon powder
  • Matches
  • A white plate

The first thing to do is take the toothpick and write on the candles. On one of them ... Read even more

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