Life after death: Man believes he saw Hell in visions of the afterlife

Whether there is anything after our current existence is a matter of mystery. However, one man, who gives his name as just Jeff, believes he now has an answer about life after death.

Following a car accident, Jeff believes he saw Hell, which was rushing towards him as the car was crashing.

The man said he could feel a thousand arms clinging for him in his experience of the afterlife.

However, he said could not see their faces as he described the event as “very ethereal.”

Jeff wrote on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF): “I was at the edge of a cliff stepping into a deep abyss of darkness filled with thousands of people with their arms outstretched to me.

“I could see no faces but I saw the arms outstretched.

“As I began to step into the void ... Read even more

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