UFO claimed to have been spotted near US Navy boat explosion – ‘100 percent proof’

On Friday, June 18, a powerful bomb was set off near the USS Gerald R. Ford by the US Navy off the coast of Florida. The bomb was so powerful it triggered a magnitude 3.9 quake, with the US detonating the bomb to see if its ship was ready for war.

While the mission was as successful as a detonation could possibly be, some eagle-eyed conspiracy theorists spotted something in the distance.

One alien hunter believes he spotted a “kilometre-long” UFO hovering in the background.

The claim was made by prominent conspiracy theorist Scott C Waring.

Mr Waring claimed aliens were watching the event in order to learn more about humanity’s technology.

Mr Waring made the claim on his blog UFO Sightings Daily.

He said: “During the video ... Read even more

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