Reverend Gill 26/27 June 1959 UFO / CE3 – a Brocken Spectre-type illusion?

June 26th 1959
“Time 6:45 p.m. sky: patches of low clouds. Sighted bright white light, direction northwest. 6:50 called Steven and Eric. 6:52 Steven arrived confirms, not star. 6:55 send Eric to call people. One object on top moving — man? Now three men — moving, glowing, doing something on deck. Gone. 7:00 men 1 and 2 again. 7:04 gone again. 7:10 sky cloud ceiling covered sky height about 2,000 feet. Man 1, 3, 4, 2, (appeared in that order) thin electric blue spotlight. Men gone ... Read even more

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