NASA Cuts Live Video As UFO Shadows International Space Station In Orbit [Video]

Online UFO hunters claim to have caught NASA once again covering up evidence of alien UFO activity near the International Space Station by cutting off the live video after an alien UFO appeared on the feed.

Prolific UFO hunter Streetcap1 reports sighting an orb UFO in a recent live stream from the ISS. The orb UFO, according to UFO Sightings Daily editor Scott Waring, appears to be shadowing the ISS in Earth’s orbit.

However, Streetcap1 grants the possibility that the “object” could be a lens flare. He argues that the fact that NASA’s infamous “blue screen” interrupts streaming after the mysterious object appears in the live video indicates it is more likely a UFO that NASA does not us to see.

“[What makes this] interesting is it’s solitary nature and we got a blue screen fairly quickly. It does appear to be moving ... Read even more

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