AE911’s Response to Mick West’s Iron Microspheres Talk.

Has anyone seen this:…h2ku4Bb0oVmzIJ1UdL0vvG13Sv1X9FHKogcazSFkwWQf4

I’m aware of the “no clicks” policy but it is a full AE911 page directed against Mick West’s video about micro spheres.

The topic heading “Refuting a Demolition Denier’s False Claims about Iron Microspheres”

The author is Chris Sarns IMO arguably one of the more courageous and more persuasive of the emissaries from AE911. He recently made a flying visit to one of the Facebook groups – and found a couple of competent debunkers in residence.

This post purely as an alert for Mick and others. If the topic is already known some moderator can delete the post – just let me know.

Micro-spheres is not my topic. But the opening paragraphs of the AE911 page is replete with personal denigration ... Read even more

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