Alien life on Mars PROOF? ‘Ancient alien technology found’ in NASA Mars Curiosity photo

NASA’s Curiosity Rover has been exploring Mars since it landed inside the Red Planet’s Gale Crater in August 2012. The NASA Mars rover has since then covered 12.99 miles (20.91km) for its primary objective to identify biosignatures of basic molecular life. But an intelligent alien life conspiracy theorist now believes Curiosity has uncovered conclusive photographic proof that technologically advanced alien life once existed on Mars.

Whatsupinthesky27 Youtube channel’s presenter Will claims to have discovered an object resembling part of a statue amongst the desolate Martian landscape.

He said: “What makes this really interesting is you have a connecting block resembling a Rubik’s Cube to its top left.”

He goes on to speculate his latest “find” is yet more evidence of ancient ... Read even more

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