Aluminum-Water Explosions Theory of Collapse, Christian Simensen…nium_Insight_2011-02_Wise_Chem-Explosions.pdf.
In the aluminium industry the term “pop”
is often heard, being used to describe a
non eventful splash of liquid metal. this
is actually a Force 1 explosion as defined
by the aluminum association who has
categorized water / molten aluminium
explosions into three levels.
A Force 1 explosion is also referred to
as a steam explosion. this occurs when
molten aluminium traps water which is
then quickly vaporized to steam. the metal
is shot up to 15 ft (~4.5 m) and normally
involves less than 10 lb (~4.5 kg) of metal.
typical incidents occur for example with
damp moulds ... Read even more

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