Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Add two ingredients to washing machine to get it sparkling – not vinegar By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life Woman gets revenge on ‘entitled’ neighbours who keep parking across her driveway By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Football Everton fans in hysterics over half time snack that pokes fun at Liverpool FC By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Football
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird ‘I found secret room in my house and history is terrifying’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird UFO fears across the UK as mysterious ‘spinning orb’ spotted in the sky By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Health Dr Amir Khan shares five reasons why having a cat is ‘good for your health’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Health
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird ‘Entitled woman stole my plane seat – so the flight attendant taught her a lesson’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird You have eyes like a hawk if you can spot the pearls among the tulips in under 11 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the misspelled word in 15 seconds or less By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life People are only just realising what the cap on your kitchen sink can be used for By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life