Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Only those with eagle eyes can spot hidden football in Santa’s sack in under 60 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Food Keep spaghetti fresh for longer by using easy sandwich bag method By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Food
Bizarre (WTF?)Life ‘Banish’ condensation from windows using 83p ingredient you have at home By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the missing tickets in under 17 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the moose in less than 7 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life People gobsmacked by price of beer, chippy and Freddo in 1995 compared to today By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Food People ‘disgusted’ after learning how Christmas eggnog is actually made By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Food
Bizarre (WTF?)UK Neighbour’s awkward Christmas card blunder leaves woman scratching head By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), UK
Bizarre (WTF?)Cars Press ‘secret’ button on your car to instantly enhance your driving vision By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Cars
Bizarre (WTF?)US Woman shows off ‘doomsday’ bunker under home – but people spot design flaw By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), US