Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Only those with razor sharp eyesight can spot the joker in under nine seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Travel News ‘I visited China’s £500m fake British town – but it was missing one important thing’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Travel News
Bizarre (WTF?)UK Proof of alien civilisations will emerge ‘soon’ and could be ‘catastrophic’, expert says By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), UK
Bizarre (WTF?)Travel News British mum ‘terrified’ after claiming stranger entered Turkey hotel room as kids slept By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Travel News
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird ‘Entitled kids kept breaking into my garden to play – one thing stopped them’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life People are gobsmacked to learn they’re saying common saying all wrong By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Intense UFO activity in UK ‘alien hotspot’ saw men ‘kidnapped’ by 4 fingered 6ft aliens By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life Vet explains how often you should bathe your cat By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird The world’s ‘most haunted’ cruise ship where 49 people have died By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Travel News Man refuses to give up plane seat for disabled woman as she’s ‘not his problem’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Travel News