Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Mortician shares the one thing he wouldn’t do when he dies – ‘it’s selfish’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Stray dog who cried alone in kennel is completely transformed after being adopted By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Only those with a high IQ can solve tricky triangle brainteaser By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Baffling brainteaser asked in job interview leaves people stumped – can you solve it? By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Man cooks steak pie in the oven – but is horrified when he looks at packaging By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Woman threatens Homebase with ‘written complaint’ after ‘sex ghost’ sighting By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Life ‘I’m a curvy girl – it meant I could only go on certain rides at Thorpe Park’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Life
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Man spots detail on hotel room door that’s ‘like something from horror film’ By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Travel blogger gets surprise of her life after opening mysterious box in forest By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)US People fear Donald Trump is ‘unravelling before our eyes’ after ‘concerning’ clip By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), US