Bizarre (WTF?)Weird You need razor-sharp mind to solve these musical brainteasers in 30 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird You have 20/20 vision if you can spot the eight odd leaves in this tricky brain teaser By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Mum’s clean laundry smells foul – and the reason why will make your skin crawl By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Only those with 20/20 vision can spot the hidden deer in under 17 seconds By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Health GP shares one part of job she hates – it’s not delaying appointments By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Health
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird People only just realising Winona Ryder changed her real name on a whim By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird
Bizarre (WTF?)Health You can unblock your nose on-the-go with nifty cotton pad technique By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Health
Bizarre (WTF?)Property People are just learning what important triangle symbol on washing label means By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Property
Bizarre (WTF?)Food Woman left amazed after snagging £3.30 Too Good To Go box from Aldi By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Food
Bizarre (WTF?)Weird Greggs fans amazed as they find ‘hidden’ feature on pasty wrappers By Daily Express | Bizarre (WTF?), Weird