Commander Dave Fravor Faking UFO Encounters

Occurred : 6/15/1997 18:00 (Entered as : June 1997 18:00)
Reported: 1/9/2017 5:09:20 PM 17:09
Posted: 1/12/2017
Location: Borrego Springs, CA
Shape: Circle
Duration:20 minutes

Superstition Hill UFO Sighting. Summer 1997. I went camping off of Old Kane Springs Road, Borrego Springs, California, just south of Highway 78, and north of El Centro in the Anza Borrego Desert BLM lands. Arriving just before sundown to meet up with a friend who had arrived earlier in the day.

My friend carried on and on about unmarked gun metal blue jets flying very low passes at very high speed over the area since early afternoon. I did notice jets flying upon arrival but it wasn’t surprising since I knew the Navy’s proving grounds (mysteriously called Superstition Hills) was just a mile or so southeast of our campsite. You could see the chalky white hills slightly poking up from the desert floor with commercial air traffic from El Centro Airport in the background.

After setting up my tent and popping a beer we enjoyed talking and watching the full moon rise from the southwest as El Centro’s plane traffic was visible to the southeast. Within 15 minutes of sundown ... Read even more

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