Considering the Validity of Valiant Thor Part 2—an Alien Consultant for Government Black Ops?

Frank Stranges and Phil Schneider are the two most prominent people that make claims about the figure known as Valiant Thor. What Stranges claims and what Schneider claims have nearly nothing in common except for his name and that he worked at the Pentagon. The topic of Valiant Thor initially piqued my interest because Stranges’ told us that Valiant Thor believed Jesus was the “Alpha and Omega of yours and everyone else’s faith” and that Jesus is “the ruler of the universe.” A supposed alien that spoke of Jesus seemed to be a most appropriate topic to tackle here on Gospel Vision.

My first post about Valiant Thor evaluates Frank Stranges’ claims and doctrinal implications from various writings and presentations. The article ends with a definitive revelation that prompted a handful of emails to me in which several readers expressed their appreciation while one other expressed their contempt. To finish my assessment of the validity of Valiant Thor ... Read even more

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