Coronavirus: NHS dashboard to predict protective gear shortages

By 2020-04-30Science & Tech
Image copyright EPA
Image caption The NHS tool should help identify when hospitals and clinics are about to run out of specific PPE products

The NHS has begun feeding health workers’ use of personal protective equipment (PPE) into a “data store”.

The system is designed to identify which hospitals and GP surgeries are most at risk of running out of kit and address the problem before it occurs.

High-level decision-makers should be able to start seeing the information via a computer dashboard within a fortnight.

NHS staff say their lives have been put at risk because of PPE shortages.

The government has said it is working “around the clock” to address the issue.

NHS Providers – which represents hospitals and other NHS trusts in England – told the BBC that supplies of gowns and visors remained an unresolved problem.

Health chiefs already use the dashboard system to help make decisions on how to redistribute ventilators ... Read even more

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