Debunk: Cause of Autism and other symptoms in children of Antivax Campaigners

For over a decade, there have been three very prominent anti-vax campaigners whose actions arose from believing their child’s autism was caused by vaccines.

Brian Hooker still links mercury to his son’s autism, and has managed to do analysis to show a risk factor for the tiny amount of mercury found in childhood vaccines today. He also starred in the movie Vaxxed due to his re-analysis of MMR autism CDC data, and coercing the leaker to leak his leak. He is now Chief Science Officer at anti-vax epicenter Kennedy Jr’s Children’s Health Defense.(

Polly Tommey is part of the Vaxxed team. The movie is about the alleged cover up of risk factor of the MMR vaccine for blacks (and also isolated autism) by the CDC. In the movie Polly talks about how bad her son gets after the MMR.

J B Handley used to go on about mercury until mercury was pretty much removed from childhood vaccines. What I last recall is my brother posting J B’s scientific research from France that showed a magical method for the aluminum in vaccines to cause autism.

What all three believe is that antibiotic overuse was a a co-contributor that also enabled autism in their child. In their quest to tell world the truth about vaccines ... Read even more

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