This video caught my eye awhile ago. It took some time for me to figure out most of what was going on here.

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The stabilization is the factor I didn’t know about, which explains the odd movements of the flares, which baffled me. It was that odd movement that distracted me from the more straightforward problem of which ground light is responsible for which flare.

The odd movements of the flares didn’t seem to correlate with the movement of the camera… so these flares “couldn’t” be caused by the ground lights. That was my thinking.

I thought there might be some object with lights on it that was moving around in the neighborhood of the camera . But what could it be?

Note how the flare from the bright engine exhaust is sometimes below the rocket and sometimes above but always moving in sync with the other flares. This finally convinced me to just treat these flares as simple “filter flares” – (or in this case sensor flares) – and work out which ground light was responsible for which flare. A pretty straight forward process. I just had to accept that the movement was unexplainable to me. In fact I had intended to start a new thread on that mystery ... Read even more

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