Direction to Sun vs. Sun position above the AE map visualization

I’m working on a simple tool to visualize the Sun position above the AE (“Gleason”) map with the direction the Sun is actually visible on the sky (“azimuth angle“) to see that most of the time the Sun would not be in the direction we would see it if the AE map accurately represented reality.

Currently the tool is hosted here: (this might change in the future and this link will be updated)

The calculated Sun position can be verified on (a link is provided) and the calculated azimuth angle can be verified on (a link is provided)

For example when looking at the sunrise from London during March equinox (2019-03-20 06:04)

we see that the Sun is visible almost directly on the East (azimuth ~90 degrees) while the Sun is above 91 degrees of latitude.

This can be verified with two generated links (the “check” links):…h=3&day=20&year=2019&hour=6&min=4&ntxt=London
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