Donald Trump coronavirus: Did Nostradamus predict Trump would test positive for COVID-19?

Michele de Nostredame, or Nostradamus, was a 16th-century apothecary, writer and supposed prophet, who many have credited with predicting the coronavirus pandemic.

At the height of the pandemic’s outbreak, thousands of people have shared cryptic passages penned by Nostradamus, claiming they described a future where plague and disease are rife.

Rumours are once again circulating on social media the French mystic not only predicted the pandemic but also that President Trump would test positive for the virus.

One Twitter user said: “There was a prophecy of this guy Nostradamus that Trump will die this year (idk how to explain it exactly but you get the idea).

READ MORE: Baba Vanga 2020: Did the blind mystic predict coronavirus?

“There’s also this ‘Curse of Tippecanoe’ which you can search it up and it’s basically the same.”

The same person later tweeted: “Nostradamus also kinda predicted the coronavirus and some other things ... Read even more

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