“Drone” Photo over Nebraska – Actually a Boeing 737

I want to be clear that I’m not making fun of these people. This is a very human thing to do. Vision and perception are complex. As I said, distances and sizes in a featureless night sky are ambiguous. Witness expectations about the size of the object have led these people to see aircraft as much closer and smaller than they actually are.

The study of the UFO phenomenon over the decades has proven beyond a doubt that people easily and routinely make these basic errors in size and distance estimates.

I think this strongly supports the idea that this whole thing is a classic UFO flap. A form of mass hysteria.

The static drones that hover are stars and planets. Those are the ones that have been chased. Venus and Sirius are the two main culprits.

The drones that move across the sky are mis-perceived aircraft.

(It should be obvious why these phantom drones only come out at night.)

This kind of thing has happened tens of thousands of times to perfectly reasonable people. There have been many UFO flaps since the first one in the late 1940’s. This is just one more. People used to see flying saucers (that weren’t there) ... Read even more

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