Eating disorder used to sell diets on Instagram

By 2020-01-31Science & Tech
Image copyright Kara Henry
Image caption Ms Henry describes herself as a mental health advocate

Instagram accounts are using images of a person recovering from an eating disorder to advertise weight loss.

The BBC has seen more than 30 accounts using the photos and some of them have more than a million followers.

The photos were taken by Kara Henry to document her journey of recovery from an eating disorder when she weighed just over four stone.

Her images have been uploaded without her permission alongside claims that this shows successful weight loss.

Visitors to the accounts using Ms Henry’s images are urged to “click the link in the bio” to buy a tailored weight loss or diet plan to help achieve the results shown in the picture.

Instagram has not responded to a request for comment.

Image copyright Instagram
Image caption This warning occasionally appears when Ms Henry’s images are posted elsewhere on Instagram

Ms Henry told the BBC she estimates the images have been uploaded almost 100 times over the past three months ... Read even more

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