End of the world: What the Bible said must happen before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The two events will signal the end of the world and the return of Jesus Christ from heaven. Although the Bible does not specify when the events are supposed to unfold, Professor Tom Meyer, also known as The Bible Memory Man, is certain the clock is already ticking for humanity.

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Speaking to Express.co.uk, Professor Meyer said a battle will be fought on the Earth in the end days.

He said: “The event that will make the proverbial end days’ clock hit midnight and begin the seven-year tribulation as recorded in Revelation 6-19 is the Rapture.

“The event is not to be confused with the Second Coming.

“The Rapture of the Church is imminent – it could happen at any instant – so fast that it happens as quickly as the blink of an eye.”


End of the world: Christians believe Jesus will return in the end days (Image: GETTY)

End of the world: Do you believe what the Bible says about the end times? (Image: GETTY)

According to Professor Meyer ... Read even more

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