Fake Coronavirus Detector in Iran

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps has claimed that they have developed a hand held detection device to detect Coronavirus. They are making claims that it can detect the virus within 100 metres within seconds.

Short video at following link.

Source: https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1250400585448390658

This is just tragic. Such pseudo science devices have emerged over the years in some countries undergoing a health crisis. The Egyptian military claimed to have developed a hand-held device to detect HIV and Hepatitis back in 2014.

See the hand held device at 0:55.

[embedded content]Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVq8xbmq_j8

These devices are simply based on and developed from the bomb/explosive detector devices that were sold in their millions to some war ravaged countries ... Read even more

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