Health: Apps and technology could help ‘patient power’

By 2019-05-16Science & Tech
Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Apps are being developed to help patients manage their own medicines

Could apps and wearable technology soon mean patients in Wales take more control of their treatment?

Doctors and scientists are looking at ways for both drugs and conditions to be better monitored by patients themselves.

One Wrexham bio-tech firm has developed an app which helps patients manage their medicines better.

Another being used by cancer patients in Bangor gives real-time feedback on how chemotherapy is affecting them.

It is about developing technology which is easy to use for people – with the gadgets and apps designed to flag up issues to those who need to know.

Patients are being invited to bring ideas and experiences to a two-day event at Bangor University next week.

Dr Chris Subbe ... Read even more

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