How hard is it to hit the the 9/11 targets?

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Some people mention how hard it must have been for these inexperienced pilots to hop into big airliners and fly them so precisely into these targets and do some of the maneuvers observed. The hijackers only had experience in small one engine propeller planes, therefore it would be nearly impossible for them to fly these big 767-200ERs and 757-200s so well. As for myself, I only fly single engine planes (Beechcraft Bonanza to be specific) and I thought I would have a go flying big planes into these targets.

-World Trade Center South Tower (South Tower because people fuss about Marwan Al-Shehhi’s ability to pull out of a steep dive and then being able to turn sharply into the tower)


-US Capitol (Some people have made the argument that replicating flight paths is unfair

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