How much research does a truther have to do to get any respect around here?

I am not a truther, but I have some sympathy for them. It is hard to understand how the World Trade Center buildings collapsed, and it would be much easier if demolition were involved. I personally can’t believe that the buildings were demolished, but I also don’t really understand the mechanics of their progressive collapse.

Perhaps it’s some kind of intellectual arrogance, but I feel I should be able to understand this. I think that my grasp of physics is strong enough that I should be able to study the topic and arrive at an understanding within a reasonable amount of time. I started wondering about it in earnest in 2005 and I don’t think 15 years is a “reasonable” time frame. It should be possible for someone of my intelligence and discipline to satisfy their curiosity.

It is sometimes implied that I’m simply being disingenuous about this. Some have suggested outright that I’m not really “asking questions” but trying push what are actually my truther views. That is ... Read even more

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