Insect horror: ‘Tornado’ of mosquitoes hits eastern Russia – ‘Didn’t dare open my window’

The flying insects were seen swarming on the peninsula of Kamchatka in the millions. Swarms of mosquitoes were so dense that people reported difficulties seeing where they were driving.

​​“I drove through the cloud of these mosquitoes for several hundred metres,” Alexei, from Ust-Kamchatsk, told the Siberian Times.

“It wasn’t a pleasant experience as I could hardly see the road.

“I didn’t dare open my windows.

“Giant pillars of mosquitoes were visible everywhere I looked.

READ MORE: What NOT to use on insect bites – the four remedies to avoid

It is the female insects people need to look out for.

“These are male mosquitoes swarming around one of several females in order to mate – there is nothing wrong with this ... Read even more

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