In April I interviewed Fred Dunham who was a security guard at Area 51 from the early 80’s to the early 90’s. We discuss:
- Bob Lazar
- His meeting with George Knapp
- Papoose Lake
- His time at Area 51
- Health issues he and his colleagues battled with from their time at Area 51
Here is the 1 hour interview: https://audiomack.com/jackfrost71/song/interview-with-fred-dunham-april-5th-2021?key=dunham
Some background on Fred Dunham and his health issues he says were derived from his time at Area 51: https://www.reviewjournal.com/news/…n-for-toxic-fume-exposure-may-be-nearing-end/
A post about Bob I had made a while back:
- Fred had been to Papoose as part of his job and said there is no S4 at Papoose. No secret base there etc.There is a S4 at Tonopah Test Range ... Read even more