MH370 bombshell: How plane carefully avoided ‘disputed territory’ to avoid detection

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went missing on March 8, 2014, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. The official investigation concluded that, after the plane did a 180 and flew up the Malacca Strait, it then turned and flew south over the Indian Ocean and ended up in the sea west of Perth, Australia. However, two epic search missions came up empty-handed, leading some experts to question whether this was the real route of the plane.

Aviation expert Jeff Wise suggested in his 2015 book ‘The Plane That Wasn’t There’ that MH370 in fact flew north over Asia and ended up in Kazakhstan.

One of the major issues with this theory is: How did none of the countries they flew over notice the rogue plane?

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