MH370 bombshell: Investigator warned he will be KILLED if he continues disappearance probe

In 2016, Mr Gibson rose to prominence after claiming debris he found in Mozambique belonged to the plane. Since then, The Sun reports that Mr Gibson has found a further 16 pieces of alleged wreckage from that flight. The pieces have turned up at spots in Madagascar and South Africa.

But William Langewiesche, a pilot turned writer, said Mr Gibson had “began receiving death threats” after he found the first piece three years ago.

Mr Langewiesche said: “One message said that either he would stop looking for debris or he would leave Madagascar in a coffin.

“Another warned he would die of polonium poisoning.

“He has been traumatised.”

READ MORE: MH370 shock claim: Captain Zaharie Shah was ‘hiding secret mistress’

The self-styled investigator added: “He largely avoids disclosing his location or travel plans ... Read even more

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