MH370 bombshell: Why investigator thinks captain ‘not confident in co-pilot’s ability’

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 left Kuala Lumpur Airport on March 8, 2014, destined for Beijing, China with 239 people on board. However, the jet last communicated with air traffic control at 1.19am, before mysteriously vanishing over the South China Sea. Radar and satellite data showed how the aircraft suddenly changed course and flew back across Malaysia before turning south of Penang and then towards the southern Indian Ocean.

Leading air crash investigator Christine Negroni claimed during her book “The Crash Detectives” that Mr Shah may not have been in the cockpit when disaster struck.

Ms Negroni believes the plane suffered a sudden depressurisation while the experienced captain was taking a bathroom break.

She wrote last year: “I find it logical to assume that Zaharie visited the business-class bathroom near the flight deck that is also used by the flight crew.

“In this and all the airline’s 777’s bathrooms ... Read even more

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