MH370: Real reason air traffic controllers waited FOUR HOURS to start search-and-rescue

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared on March 8, 2014 en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. The last known communication with the flight occurred at 1.19am local time, when the plane left Malaysia-controlled airspace and prepared to enter Vietnamese airspace. However, as soon it passed the last waypoint, IGARI, the plane’s radar signal winked out.

Air traffic controllers in Ho Chi Minh City were expecting MH370 to enter their zone at 1.21am and when it did not they were confused.

Aviation expert Jeff Wise explained in his 2019 book ‘The Taking of MH370’ why they had expected it to be exactly on time.

He wrote: “This was odd: modern commercial aircraft operate with an extreme precision enabled by satellite navigation ... Read even more

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