MH370 revelation: How disaster ‘shifted world’s attention’ away from huge event

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 went missing on March 8, 2014, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people aboard the aircraft. Meanwhile, in February – March 2014, Russia annexed the Crimean peninsula, following a military intervention in the Ukrainian revolution. In July that year another Malaysia Airlines plane – MH17 – was actually shot down over Crimea, killing 298 people.

Science journalist Jeff Wise told Channel 5 documentary ‘Flight MH370’ that he believes it was Russian military intelligence behind the MH370 disappearance.

He claimed the Russian Government wanted to distract the world from the conflict in Crimea.

Mr Wise said: “It turns out that the people who did it were the Russians – this was an effort by Russian military intelligence.

“You have to understand this comes in the context of Russia has just annexed Crimea.

READ MORE: MH370 shock theory: Russia ‘planned hijack to distract from Crimea’

“It’s getting a lot of heat for it and would really love for people to talk about something else ... Read even more

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