MH370 shock theory: Real reason behind plane’s disappearance was ‘machines not people!’

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 went missing on March 8, 2014, en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing with 239 people on board. The official investigation concluded the plane must have ended up in the Indian Ocean, but this has been disputed. In the Channel 5 documentary ‘Flight MH370’,  risk management consultant Dr Sally Leivesley explained how it could be possible that MH370 fell victim to cyber-terrorism.

This theory suggests the plane’s main computer network could be accessed and compromised via a mobile phone or a USB connection in the flight entertainment system.

Dr Leivesley said: “The core of the theory was that the plan was being managed by machines not people.

“You can have chips in the avionics that run the cockpit and those chips can have malware.

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