MH370 sighting? Vietnam ‘oil slick’ spotted in potential crash site actually from ship

Malaysia Airlines flight 370 was en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing when it disappeared along with its 227 passengers and 12 crew members. In the immediate aftermath of the news, a flood of potential sightings were reported including that of a potential crash site in the South China Sea.The oil slick could have come from a plane that had fallen out of the sky.

However, according to Channel 5’s documentary ‘Flight MH370’ it turned out to be from a ship.

The narrator said: “There’s a flurry of suspected sightings.

“An oil rig worker sees a fireball in the sky near where the plane is thought to have disappeared.

“The Malaysian Air Force picks up an unidentified radar signal.

READ MORE: MH370 shock: Key documents missing – cyberattack on plane possible

“An oil slick is spotted off the coast of Vietnam. Analysis later proved it came from a ship.

“Then ... Read even more

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