I thought I was watching a helicopter at night in far off distance with its navigation lights blinking red blue green yellow but it was a star.
Just a small spec far off in the dark nite sky twinkling red, blue, yellow, white green hues but no sound so I & all my home family agreed must a chopper hovering way off and high.
Taking small interested we casually observed it a short time, later it moved off to the north then I guess returned,,, but it wasn’t a chopper was it because the next night it was back same location…This time I watched more carefully and concluded it was a star or planet.. A quick stellarium search found it Sirius a twin star that when rising low in sky can twinkle many colors due to atmosphere..
It seemed to move off as its location as was perfectly masked by Jet star JQ16 flight Hobart to Melbourne passing by ( a few million light years closer)
why does sirius twinkle