Near death experience: Man experiences euphoria in out of body experience

The person named Jon had a near death experience (NDE) when he almost drowned. After being submerged underwater for a period of time, Jon said his consciousness rose from his body. While he was having an out-of-body experience, Jon said it was the most euphoric moment of his life.

Writing on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Jon said: “I remember taking a deep breath, but it wasn’t air. It was water.

“The next thing I know it was like a pop and I was out of my body. I was slowly rising up in the air. I looked down and saw the back of my body.

“I saw my girlfriend flailing in the water and my friends coming towards us. I remember being engulfed in a peace and love. I can only describe this feeling by comparison.

“Imagine the best day you ever had and multiple that by a billion and that doesn’t even come close to the feeling I felt.

“I had my consciousness with me and all the knowledge that I had acquired in my life. I don’t know how I knew this ... Read even more

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