Needs Debunking: CE-5, humans initiating UFO sightings

It’s a tricky one. On the face of it the claim is quite simple: “Do CE5, have encounters with Aliens.” But how do you test it? It’s a lot of work to go out into the desert for days and meditate. How to we get a control group?

There are also lots of lights in the sky. If you’ve not spent hours staring at the night sky in that location before, then how would you know what is normal?

Why lights in the sky? Why do you need to be in an altered mental state? Why don’t the thousands (or millions) of people that live nearby see what you are seeing? Why don’t the alien spaceships show up on radar? Why such poor photos and videos.

What’s the actual evidence FOR CE5?

It’s utterly ridiculous ... Read even more

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