Palestinian Harvard student barred from US is allowed in

By 2019-09-03Science & Tech
Image copyright AMIDEAST
Image caption Mr Ajjawi said he was denied entry after customs officers examined friends’ social media posts

A Palestinian student who was controversially denied entry to the US last month when he arrived to begin study at Harvard has now been admitted.

Ismail Ajjawi said he was barred entry after border agents questioned him for hours at Boston Airport over social media posts written by friends.

The 17-year-old was admitted on Monday just in time to start at Harvard.

The US state department announced in June that most visa applicants were being asked for social media details.

The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) told the BBC on Tuesday that Mr Ajjawi had overcome “all grounds of inadmissibility and was admitted into the United States as a student on a F1 visa”. The agency did not elaborate on why he had been denied entry and later admitted.

The CBP declined to comment on the specifics of the case last month when Mr Ajjawi’s case was first reported ... Read even more

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