Revenge porn laws ‘not working’, says victims group

By 2019-05-18Science & Tech
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Laws covering so-called revenge porn are not fit for purpose and police still need more training, experts say.

Victims should receive anonymity and laws need to include threats to share images, according to Sophie Mortimer from the Revenge Porn helpline.

Figures from 19 forces in England and Wales revealed police investigations have doubled in the last four years but the number of charges has fallen.

The National Police Chiefs Council said forces take the crime “very seriously”.

Revenge porn – the sharing of private or sexual images or videos of a person without their consent – became an offence in England and Wales in April 2015.

Similar laws were later introduced in Northern Ireland and Scotland.

Figures from 19 of 43 police forces in England and Wales show the number of alleged cases being investigated by officers has more than doubled in the last four years – from 852 in 2015-16 to 1 ... Read even more

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