S Korea ex-leader and Samsung heir face retrials

By 2019-08-29Science & Tech
Image copyright EPA
Image caption Park Geun-hye was South Korea’s first female president

South Korea’s top court has set aside part of jailed former President Park Geun-hye’s conviction and ordered a retrial.

The court said separate verdicts should have been reached on the bribery allegations against her and sent the case back to a lower court.

Park was convicted in 2018 of bribery and abuse of power and given 25 years.

The Supreme Court also ordered a retrial for Samsung heir Lee Jae-yong on bribery charges in the same scandal.

It said three horses worth $2.8m (£2.3m) given by Samsung to then-president Park’s friend’s daughter should also have been considered as bribes.

Lee was jailed for five years in 2017 but freed the following year after an appeals court suspended the sentence.

What does the ruling mean for Park?

South Korean media said she could ultimately face an even longer jail sentence if she is convicted again in two separate verdicts ... Read even more

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